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Welcome to a 40-Day Prayer Initiative in 2023 that seeks to ignite revival
in our personal lives, churches and communities that would impacts lives for generations to come!


What if God used you to begin an awakening of your church family, along with churches throughout your city and region?


What if your co-workers and neighbors came to know Jesus because you began to pray and opportunities emerged to engage with them?


What if the very God-ordained purposes for your city were realized all because of your prayers and thousands of others?    -PRAYLEX 2023

DAYS 1-7

DAY 1 (3/26) - Revival is proceeded by Prayer & Repentance.

Prepare your heart by reading Luke 24:45-49.

- Pray for believers to humble themselves and commit to fervent, persistent prayer for God to make His presence known.

- Pray for a broken heart and contrite spirit in the local faith community.

- Pray for transparency that results in deep confession of sin and authentic change.

- Ask God to work in His church so believers seek Him with a greater sense of need than they’ve previously known.

DAY 3 (3/28)  – Wholehearted Consecration.

Prepare your heart by reading Daniel 1:17 & Ephesians 1:17

- Pray for God to raise up Daniels within his Church that would be set apart for God’s purposes.

- Pray for breakthroughs on strongholds.

- Pray for God to raise up leaders in the church that have a Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God.

DAY 5 (3/30) – Prayer proves the Promises of God.

Prepare your heart by reading John 14:12-14

- Pray for a heart that aches for revival.

- Pray for a hunger to chase after God’s presence and a refusal to give up!

- Pray for a heart that is broken by the eternal needs of our community and nation.

- Cry out for the power of Holy Spirit to move in our lives and our community.

DAY 2 (3/27) – Our nation is in a Nineveh moment.

Prepare your heart by reading Matthew 12:38-42.

- Pray that both believers and unbelievers be awaken to the urgent hour of our nation.

- Ask to have our eyes open and ears listening to the call for repentance and revival from heaven.

- Pray for a spirit of repentance, humility, fasting and urgent prayer to come upon all people.

- Ask God to show each body of believers how to respond specifically at this time and put it into action..

DAY 4 (3/29) – Into the Wilderness

Prepare your heart by reading Mark 1:12-13

- Pray for a supernatural hunger for the things of God.

- Pray for a desire for the presence of God that far exceeds natural hunger, natural strength and earthly enjoyments.

- Pray for a desire to cultivate a lifestyle of fasting & prayer--drawing close to God.

DAY 6 (3/31) – Waiting in One Accord for the Spirit

Prepare your heart by reading Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4,8,14

- Pray that the church would realize their absolute dependence on God.

- Pray for believers to come together devoting themselves to prayer for another Pentecost in which Holy Spirit is released on the Church to do a mighty work.

- Pray for believers to be rooted and grounded in the love of the Father and be set free from comparison with others.

- Pray for humility to realize our great need for God and cry out for the power of His Spirit to move in our lives and our community.

DAY 7 (4/1) - Jesus God's Beloved Son, and our identity.


Prepare your heart by reading Matthew 3:17

- Pray for believers to understand their identity as God’s children and their confidence that comes with that realization.

-Pray for a desire as believers to abide in the Father’s love.

-Ask for a recognition of God’s goodness in circumstances we find ourselves in.




LOCATION: 1206 N Erie Street, Lexington NE 68850

PHONE: (308) 324-3084


Sundays at 10am   |   Wednesdays 6:30p-8p (Meal @ 6p)

                                                  (During the School Year)

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