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Elder/Deacon Nomination Suggestions

Each year at this time Lex Christian Church by-laws require that nomination suggestions be accepted for new Elder and/or Deacon openings.  Below are those currently serving. 


Using the form below, suggest other men that you feel would be qualified and for what position. (Elder or Deacon)  NOTE: A list will be compiled and placed on a ballot for a congregational vote the end of June. 

Gordon Hinrichs - Elder
Mike Snell - Elder
Kim Oelkers - Elder
Rod Underwood - Elder
Marty Vapenick - Elder
Tim Anthony - Elder

Stan Rassmussen - Deacon
Sam Lange - Deacon
Ken Hammond - Deacon
Kaleb Hammond - Deacon
Brandon Sorensen - Deacon
Dennis McFadden - Deacon

Nomination Suggestion Form

Lex Christian Church 2022-2023

Select an option
Thanks for your suggestion!
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